Wednesday, 22 March 2017


The Liquid Supplement that provides a Fast pH Boost Balanced pH within the body… This is the primary focus of most specialty diets prescribed by alternative medicine. Often this requires much work and great expense and effort. The goal of this effort by the alternative health industry is to attain the dramatic health benefits experienced as pH balance is attained and the body's own ability to heal itself is strengthened. Cleanshield provides a fast way to simply achieve this goal. Here’s how that happens… The human body produces acid for digestion. For every drop of acid that it produces it also produces an equal amount of alkaline. This process is designed to maintain a pH as close to 7.0 (Neutral value) as possible in the entire body, excluding blood. As Cleanshield™ is ingested, it dramatically dilutes the acid in the stomach, triggering the body’s mechanism for replenishing the stomach acid. As this happens, a corresponding release of alkalinity occurs within the blood stream and thereby creates a powerful boost to body pH. The benefits to the immune provide an overall improvement to the body’s ability to sustain optimal health. A properly pH-balanced body enables the immune system to effectively combat foreign invasions and maintain a healthy system. No known harmful elements can survive in the human body with a pH near 7.0 The Cleanshield™ proprietary formula with a pH factor of approximately 11, 10,000 times the neutral level of 7.0, enables the body to induce the higher levels of alkalinity esulting in a "Mega" pH boost.

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