Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Autoimmune Disease
All “Natural” cleanshield– A Helpful Treatment for Autoimmune Disease!
Autoimmune Disease cannot exist in an alkaline environment. The most effective answer is to introduce alkalinity into your Body.
Autoimmune Disorders occur when the immune system attacks healthy tissue in the body. There are over 80 different autoimmune disorders.
When the immune system is functioning properly the white blood cells protect the body from antigens such as viruses, toxins, bacteria and cancer cells. When the immune system can’t tell the difference between antigens and healthy body tissues the immune system attacks and destroys healthy, normal body tissue.
There are many health challenges that are related to the body being too acidic. The body constantly fights to maintain a proper pH balance, life depends on it. The Alkaline-acid pH scale ranges from 0-14, with 7 being neutral. Below 7 is acidic and above is alkaline. Dis-Ease can not exist in a body that is Alkaline.
Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, most cancers, diabetes, osteoporosis and almost all degenerative disease are associated with being too acidic.
The initial treatment for an Autoimmune disease is to restore your pH balance and introduce all “Natural” cleanshield into your dietary supplement program. cleanshield restores your pH balance and brings back vitality. cleanshield is an important first step, when combined with an otherwise healthy lifestyle that incorporates good eating habits, sufficient water intake, exercise etc.

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